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To see the campsites in the Albany area click on one of the names below or just scroll down to see all the entries in this section.




Shelly Beach (West Cape Howe)  | Cosy Corner (West) | Cosy Corner (East) | Lowlands | Muttonbird | Torbay Inlet | Torbay Inlet (East) | Perkins Beach | Gull Rock (Ledge Beach) | Two Peoples Bay (East Bay) | Betty's Beach | Norman's Inlet (Beach) | Waychinicup | Cape Riche | Boat Harbour




South Coast Highway | Chester Pass Road


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The City of Albany should be congratulated for its progressive attitude to camping within its boundaries. There are numerous free campsites in the shire and as yet there appears to be no conflict with caravan parks trying to get free campsites closed down. Not only is the area historic and scenic but the range of camping facilities is unrivalled anywhere in Australia.




SHELLY BEACH (West Cape Howe)


GPS Ref: 35 06' 32.28" S 117 37' 46.49" E


Phone for information: 08 9842 4500


Time Limit: Unknown




Restrictions: No dogs, No caravans, No big rigs.


Location details:


Shelly Beach is located west of Albany. This is perhaps the best campsite on this coast but no access for big rigs or caravans. Small motorhomes and camper trailers only. Hang gliding launch ramps are on the cliffs above. CALM administered site so NO DOGS. Check access FIRST if you intend to go to this site and are unsure about getting your vehicle down to the beach as the road is narrow and winding.


Access is as per the directions to Cosy Corner (below) but turn right before the road goes down to the beach and follow the signs to Shelly Beach / West Cape Howe. The first part of the road is sealed but goes up a VERY STEEP hill. The last part is unsealed and can be corrugated at times. The last section down along the cliffs is a bit hair raising but is fine in a standard car and should be okay for small motorhomes.



Shelly Beach is one of the most picturesque campsites on the south coast





GPS Ref: 35 04' 14" S 117 38' 31" E


Phone for information: 08 9841 9333


Time limit: Now closed to camping except for licensed fisherman.


Location details: (NOTE: Latest information indicates that this site may no longer be available for camping.)


Easy access and a lovely spot.  Continue past Perkins Beach Road and turn left (south) into Cosy Corner Road. Time limit may still apply. This area is now day use only.


Larger vehicles or those towing caravans should NOT venture past the turning circle near the toilets as the road narrows dramatically and turning may be impossible if someone is blocking access along the road (we have seen some dills doing this).





GPS Ref: 35 03' 53.16" S 117 38' 35.55" E


Phone for information: 08 9841 9333


Time limit: 1 week.


Warnings: None.


Restrictions: None known.


Location details:


Access from Lower Denmark Road and Cosy Corner Road west of Albany. Look for a sign to an unsealed road on the left. This site is better suited to campervans, camper trailers etc. as there isn?t a lot of room. (Note: Surfie types hang out here.)


Difficult to get a site here as it is too well known.





GPS Ref: 35 04' 28" S 117 31' 18" E


Phone for information: Unknown


Time limit: Unknown


Warnings: None.


Restrictions: Probable day use only


Location details:


West of Albany. Access via Lower Denmark Road turn south on to Tennessee South Road. The lookout area (pictured) is big enough for a small-medium sized van or two and the lower area would be Ok for a campervan but don?t crowd out the locals as space here is limited.


Access road in is unsealed.




GPS Ref: 35 02' 47" S 117 41' 42" E


Phone for information: Unknown


Time limit: Unknown


Warnings: None.


Restrictions: Day use only


Location details:

Located west of Albany. NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR CAMPING. Access from Lower Denmark Road turn south into Elleker - Grasmere Road. then take Mutton Bird Road. The road in is now sealed all the way.




GPS Ref: 35 02' 22.82" S 117 40' 47.79" E


Phone for information: Unknown


Time limit: 1 week


Warnings: Some soft sand on access road.


Restrictions: Big rigs may have problems if crowded.


Location details:

Located westof Albany. Access via a gravel track with one or two boggy patches. Limited space (2-3 vans), but a lovely campsite by the inlet.  Head west from Albany along the Lower Denmark Road. Turn left (south) into Perkins Beach Road, (gravel) then take the next left. This leads to the inlet. Because this site is close to town it can attract the ?wrong sort of camper




GPS Ref: 35 02' 38" S 117 40' 51" E


Phone for information: Unknown


Time limit: Unknown


Warnings: 4x4 access only


Restrictions: Unknown


Location details:

Torbay Inlet East is accessed via Lower Denmark Road, Elleker - Grasmere Road, Mutton Bird Road and Torbay Road  (Unsealed). Take care near the end of the 2wd section of this road as it narrows as it goes down a hill. Beach launching of boats is  possible.




GPS Ref: 35 03' 30.64" S 117 38' 48.65" E


Phone for information: Unknown


Time limit: Unknown


Warnings: Not an official campsite.


Restrictions: Probable day use only


Location details:

West of Albany via Lower Denmark Road and Perkins Beach Road. (Unsealed). Parking area at the end may be ok as an overnighter but Torbay Inlet (above) is a better spot for a longer stay.


GULL ROCK (Ledge Beach)


GPS Ref: 35 01' 00" S 118 00' 30" E


Phone for information: Unknown


Time limit: Unknown


Warnings: Not an official campsite.


Restrictions: Probable day use only


Location details:


The area at the west end of Ledge Beach has been modified and is no longer really suitable for overnight stays. Space for perhaps one Coaster sized vehicle to pull in for a night but sadly this is no longer such a good spot. Follow Lower King Road out to Gull Rock Road. Where the Road. turns to gravel take the first right hand turn to get to Ledge Beach. (Going straight on leads to Gull Rock which is probably a better alternative for an overnight stop but there is a very faded NO CAMPING sign on the way out to this spot.)


There is a day use car park at the east end of Ledge Beach where a short walk down leads to one of the best beaches in the area.



Gull Rock parking area





GPS Ref: 34 56' 16.88" S 118 10' 47.75" E


Phone for information: Unknown


Time limit: Unknown


Warnings: Used to be sign posted as NO CARAVANS


Restrictions: Unknown


Location details:


This site was originally signposted as ?no caravans but no sign evident as of March 2011 and vans seen using the site. It is a very nice spot but the descent down an unsealed road is very steep. Room for 3-4 vans. Big rigs may have problems turning here.


Access is from South Coast Highway 38 kilometres east of Albany. Turn south into Homestead Road and look continue along past Normans Inlet turn off to a fork in the road. The Left hand fork leads to Betty's Beach (see below) and the right hand fork leads to East Bay.


The road in can be rough and access to both Betty's Beach and East Bay is very steep.





GPS Ref: 34 56' 20" S 118 12' 25" E


Phone for information: Unknown


Time limit: Unknown


Warnings: Steep descent.


Restrictions: Closed to camping during salmon fishing season. (Feb-Apr).


Location details:

Small area used as a commercial fishing settlement from February to April. (No camping during this time.) A very pretty spot near a small bay. Room for 2-3 caravans. Steep descent. More open to wind than East Bay.

Access details as per East Bay above.





GPS Ref: 34 55' 16.73" S 118 12' 51.08" E


Phone for information: Unknown


Time limit: Unknown


Warnings: None.


Restrictions: Not suitable for big rigs.


Location details:

This is a small area with limited room to turn at the end of the road. Not recommended for big rigs. Room for 2-3 vans only. Some soft sand in some spots so be careful.

Access is from South Coast Highway 38 kilometres east of Albany. Turn south into Homestead Road and look for a left hand turn signposted 'Normans Beach'. Continuing straight on will take you to East Bay and Betty's Beach.





GPS Ref: 34 53' 34.99" S 118 20' 01.47" E


Phone for information: 08 9842 4500


Time limit: Unknown


Warnings: None.


Restrictions: No dogs. Only suitable for campervan sized vehicles and tents.


Location details:

65Km E of Albany via South Coast Highway and Cheynes Beach road.  Access down an unsealed road west from Cheynes Beach Road. Officially tent camping but campervans will fit into parking bays. The inlet is one of the most spectacular spots on the coast. Tent sites are secluded and shady, some have beautiful views.





GPS Ref: 34 35' 52.15" S 118 45' 02.08" E


Phone for information: 08 9847 3088


Time limit: Unknown


Warnings: Road in can be very rough.


Restrictions: No dogs. Private campsite near by takes dogs but is more expensive.


Location details:

Access from South Coast Highway turn south into Sandalwood Road at Wellstead. 18Km of unsealed road. Very nice campsite. Campers with dogs can stay on private property nearby but the cost is higher. Although big rigs can get to this site there are not really any camping spaces suitable if it is busy. Good shop at Wellstead. Generators are allowed at this site.





GPS Ref: 34 30' 43" S 118 48' 05" E


Phone for information: Unknown


Time limit: Unknown


Warnings: Unknown


Restrictions: Unknown


Location details:

Access from South Coast Highway and Boat Harbour Road. 127Km north east of Albany.






Layby 156Km NE South Coast Highway.

Layby 151Km NE South Coast Highway.

Layby 119Km NE South Coast Highway. Bremer Bay T/O

Layby 112Km NE South Coast Highway.

Layby 98Km NE South Coast Highway. 2Km SW of Wellstead.

Layby 83Km NE South Coast Highway. Unmarked N of Mettlars Road.

Layby 73Km NE South Coast Highway.

Green Range RA. 70Km NE. 34 37' 44" S 118 22' 44" E

Possible spot north of road 66Km NE.

Layby 54Km NE South Coast Highway.

Layby 52Km NE South Coast Highway.

Layby 38Km NE South Coast Highway. Homestead Road. T/O

Layby 26Km E South Coast Highway.

Layby 14Km E South Coast Highway.




Layby 2Km S of Broden

Layby 106Km N of Albany.

Layby 1Km S of Amellup. Near Routs Road.

Layby 89Km N of Albany.

Layby 81Km N of Albany. Another area just south of this one is unmarked with a small turning circle on the west side of the road.

Layby at the Entrance to Stirling Range NP. Stirling Range Drive.

Layby 72Km N of Albany.

Layby 67Km N of Albany. Unmarked

Layby 61Km N of Albany.

Layby 38Km N of Albany.

Layby 17Km N of Albany.




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