Toilets available Tables and / or seats and / or shelters provided Sight seeing area Walk trails Authorised parking facilities Day use site only - no camping

Kokerbin Rock
Kokerbin Rock


Kokerbin is said the be the third largest monolith in Australia.

Sheoak and eucalypt woodland surrounds the rock and it is an important habitat for native flora and fauna.

It is home to a small population of black flanked rock wallabies that are listed as threatened. The original population was wiped out by foxes but DNA testing has revealed the new animals have migrated from nearby rock outcrops.

Camping was once permitted at the rock but a new campsite has been established just 9km away at the old Kwolyn townsite. Camping at the rock is now 'discouraged'.

Picnic facilities are available and there are walk trails leading to various features such as The Wave, and Devil's Marbles.

A trail leads to the summit and there is a scenic drive track around the rock.

A historic well site that dates from the early 1900s is on the western side of the rock and can be reached either by walk trail or by the scenic drive.

The well is one of the largest of its type and still contains water although there is now a metal barrier in place for safety.

A single room school once operated near the northern end of the rock.

The summit walk is 2km and takes about an hour return to complete.

Toilets are available at the main picnic area on the eastern side.

The rock is thought to be about 2600 million years old. The wave formations were created when the top of the rock was first exposed about 60 million years ago.

Water flowing across the rock collected in the soils around the edge. This caused the underlying granite to degrade and erode and led to the flared rocks that were later exposed as more of the surrounding soils were washed away.



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