1819 - 1886







Robert John Sholl



Robert Sholl was the son of an English navy agent. He was born in Southwark and studied medicine before moving the Western Australia after his brother (William) inherited property from an uncle.

In Western Australia he worked as a teacher, clerk of the court, in the postal department and then in newspapers before becoming part owner of the Inquirer.

In 1844 he married Mary Ann Berkelman (Berckelman?) at Picton and they went on to have 7 children (one source says 8 children.).

In January 1865, Robert was appointed Resident Magistrate of the new settlement of Camden Harbour. He travelled there with his eldest son (Treverton) and a party of government officials.

During an exploration of the area Robert and his son were almost killed when a boat overturned and the pair drifted out to sea clutching a water container. After several hours in shark and crocodile infested waters the pair were washed back in to shore by the tides.

By the time Sholl was sent to the settlement it was on the verge of collapse, but he did what he could to try and stave off the inevitable. In the end it was to no avail and the settlement was abandoned but John Sholl was then appointed Government Resident at Roebourne.

In March 1867, Treverton Sholl was lost when the ship Emma sank with all hands.

Robert remained government magistrate at Roebourne until 1881. He eventually returned to Perth and once again was Resident Magistrate before dying in 1886.

Two of his sons joined state parliament and one was Post Master General.




1819 - Born July 16th.

1840 - Arrived in Australia on November 19th.

1842 - Joined an expedition led by Vernon Bussell.

1844 - Became a customs official and clerk to the District Magistrate's Court.

1847 - Appointed sub-registrar of births, deaths and marriages and Bunbury's postmaster.

1849 - Became editor of the Perth newspaper The Inquirer.

1850 - Appointed secretary of the Geraldine Mining Company.

1855 - Resigned from The Inquirer.

1855 - Started The Commercial News and Shipping Gazette.

1844 - Married Mary Ann Berkelman.

1865 - Appointed as Government Resident of the North District and sent to Camden Harbour.

1865 - Camden Harbour survivors evacuated in October.

1865 - Moved to Tien Tsin Harbor (Cossack).

1879 - Bought the lease of Mount Welcome Station.

1881 - Appointed Police Magistrate and Magistrate of the Local Court at Perth, and Resident Magistrate for the Swan District and Magistrate of the Local Court at Guildford but he refused the appointment.

1883 - Left Roebourne to return to Perth due to ill health (April).

1886 - Died June 19th.


Links to more information:


Robert John Sholl

Sholl, Robert John (1819-1886)

Robert John Sholl




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