WANowandThen Logo




July 2017


Western Australia Now and Then



Welcome to our new style of newsletter. It has been a very long time since our last newsletter. Many things have happened over that time and it would be quite impossible to go through them all so this will be a fresh start introducing the new style and highlighting some of the more recent events.


wanowandthen.com YouTube channel

YouTube Channel

In the last 12 months we have added many new videos to our You Tube channel. We have almost 300 videos now featuring Western Australia and the many things you can do and see here. There are campsites, towns, attractions and much more.

If you subscribe to our channel you will get notified of the latest updates.

Click here to check out all our latest video clips.

Sabah - East Malaysia

Special Features

Not all of our travels are around Western Australia so when we do get the chance to go somewhere new, we also take the time to write about the experience in the hope that the information might help others in their travels.

Recently we went to Kota Kinabalu in Sabah, East Malaysia. It was a fantastic trip. We were surprised so few Europeans seem to be travelling to Sabah. If you are looking for a great destination then visit our special features travel blog to see what we thought.


Recent Trips

Our recent exploration trips included visits to the wheatbelt along the Great Eastern Highway, the Mid-West, the Gascoyne and the Great Southern plus Esperance.

Follow our travel blogs to find out where we went and what happened.

Click here to check out all the new blog pages since our last newsletter.

Website Update

Website Update

Our website update continues and sometimes it feels like it will go on forever. It has lost some priority as our focus switches away from static web pages to the more dynamic world of video but we are determined to complete the update - one day soon.

We have finished all pages from A - R and many pages from S - Z have also been done but there is still a lot of work to do.

To see what has already been updated as well as what is still waiting you can check out our sitemap here.

Email Us

Facebook Page

Facebook Page

We have limited time and resources to add new information to our main website so it may be a long time before new pages and information becomes available.

Our Facebook page gets the updates from our recent trips much faster so it is a great idea to like our page to get notifications and pictures about all our trips before they make it to the main site.

Click here to see more

Gallery Pages

Gallery Pages

Galleries such as West Australian Birds, Campsites and Wildflowers have been re-visited and many old pictures removed and information updated.

We are always looking for experienced people to help identifying birds and wildflowers so if you have the time and knowledge and would like to help, please send us an email.

Click here to see our photo galleries


We hope you enjoyed our new style of newsletter and found some of the contents interesting. If you no longer want to receive newsletters from us you simply click the unsubscribe button in the original email you received.

Hopefully you will stick with us as we continue to explore Western Australia and even like our Facebook pages and subscribe to our YouTube content so that you can receive all the latest content.