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November 2017


Western Australia Now and Then



Welcome to our new style of newsletter. Yes, we are still putting them out somewhat irregularly, when we find a bit of time between trips and working on all our various pages.


South West Adventure Play List

South West Adventure Play List

We undertook a major three week expedition to the south-west to explore some areas we have never visited before.

Instead of just filming for use in small individual video clips, we decided that this time we would film a full adventure series.

This is the first time we have attempted such a large project and all eight episodes are now available on our YouTube channel.

Click here to see the complete series.

Wildflower trip

Trip Blog

The South West trip wasn't the only journey we have been on since the last newsletter.

We also took off to the Mid-West in wildflower season to see what we could find.

Sadly it turned out that poor rainfall during the winter months meant that the wildflowers had not even bloomed in some areas but eventually we did manage to get a few nice pictures and see some new areas of the state.

See the trip blog entry for that trip.

New Projects

New Projects

We are due to head down to the Margaret River area before Christmas, not so much to see the area, as we have been there many times before, but we are taking the 4x4 and tenting gear to do some filming of some of the new camping equipment we have bought.

Of course we will be doing some touring of the coast so there should be some footage to come out of that as well.

In the new year we intend to do a trip to the south coast with the camping gear and the boat so there could be another short adventure series to come from that too.

Website Update

Website Update

Yes this is still going on something like 3 years after we started it.

With only one person to do all the work for the website it is very difficult to find time (or enthusiasm) to work on technical issues but it has to get done eventually.

We are almost finished everything up to the letter 'T' so the end is almost in sight at last.

Email Us

Other videos

Other Videos

We are still working on producing our usual towns, attractions, campsites and camping gear videos.

Our camping gear play list includes a couple of D.I.Y. projects now, including 'Pump in a box' and a 'Water catcher'.

You can find the play list here.



We are always interested in hearing from you about things you would like us to add to our website or things you would like to see changed.

If you find any errors please let us know about that too, as we try to keep all our information as accurate as possible.

As Christmas is almost upon us again, I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season and we hope to see you again next year.

A happy and safe holiday season to everyone


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