Fitzgerald - Western Australia


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"Fitzgerald" Proclaims a sign on the South West Highway about half way between Jerramungup and Ravensthorpe but most people see nothing else of interest and zoom past on their way east or west.

Turning north at the gravel road just past the sign will lead you to a large rest area that was once the playground and oval for a school.

The school operated between 1966 and 1995 and some plaques on a small shelter list information about those who lived in the area. The original school had been funded and built by the locals but a government school was constructed in 1968. It didn't last long and burned down in August of the same year. Transportable classrooms were used until a new school was constructed the following year. The headmaster's residence was constructed at the same time.

From 1967 to 1992, students from surrounding areas were brought to school by the two school buses that operated. The bus service was then reduced to just one bus until the school closed.

Student numbers at the school had fluctuated from 10 to 47. When the school closed they had dropped back to 11 children.

An old house that may have once been the headmaster's residence is still standing and a 'Trespassers will be shot' warning seems to have kept most of the vandals at bay.

There is also a hall, that may still be in use, hidden away on the west side of the site. Behind the hall are some old tennis courts that were once part of a local tennis club.




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