Mangroves - Western Australia






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In the tropical north from Shark Bay onwards, you will find examples of at least seven different species of mangrove.

Mangroves generally grow on sheltered coastlines, and act as a nursery for dozens of species of sea creatures and birds.

These small trees are specifically adapted to the harsh environment between low and high tide marks. Features such as pneumatophores (roots that grow up from the ground extending above the surface of the water), and the ability to excrete salt from their leaves, make mangroves very special plants.

Sadly they are easily disturbed, human activity and the development of coastlines is a large factor in the loss of many mangrove strongholds.

Mangroves have two main methods of dealing with the salt that would kill most other plants. Species like the yellow mangrove have filters in their roots and lower trunk which exclude salt completely. Other species excrete salt through their leaves.

Species found along the north west coast include : Club, Stilt, Myrtle, River, White, Yellow Leafed, and Rib Fruited Mangrove.

One surprising area where mangroves can be found is in Bunbury in the state's south west. This small mangrove outpost is a long way south of the plant's normal habitat.




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