WANowandThen Logo




July 2018


Western Australia Now and Then



Welcome to first (and somewhat infrequent) newsletter for 2018


The website update is finally complete!

The Site Update is Done!

Finally, after what we think is around 4 long years, the compete website has been upgraded and should now work well on all types of computers, tablets and smart phones.

It is a huge relief to have this done as it leaves a lot more time now for adding new information to the site. The HELP page has been updated to allow you to find out much more about how the various pages operate and what features are available.

Click here to check out the new HELP page.

Trip Blogs

Upcoming Trips

As most of you will know by now, we undertake a number of research trips during each year to film, photograph and collect new information for inclusion on the website.

Before the end of 2018 we hope to do at least two more trips, the first out to the gold-fields and the second is yet to be finalised.

We record each of these trips and the places we visited so that you can plan your own expeditions and find out what things we discovered.

Check out our trip Blog pages here.

YouTube Channel

YouTube Videos

Our on-going fight to get our YouTube channel re-monetised, is finally over and we are once again receiving a small amount of income from that source. The income we get from advertising never even gets close to us breaking even as it amounts to around $100 a month and we do have rather large expenses to meet to keep this website open. As an example, we have just forked out $1600 for a new laptop and a new video camera.

We do have a Patreon Page that we hope will one day help to get a bit more money coming in but as yet, it hasn't really taken off.

If you would like to become a patron, pleaae visit our Patreon page here.

Patreon Page

Our YouTube page is always in need of new subscribers so if you or your friends would like to help us out, just visit the link below and click the subscribe button.

We have over 400 videos available now and a new one is released every Saturday.

Visit our YouTube channel and subscribe.

Bunbury Wildlife Park

New Content Is Coming

Now that the site update is done, we are already starting to produce some new content for the website.

We did a short day trip to Bunbury and visited the Bunbury Wildlife Park. It is a great place to visit if you are in the area and is relatively inexpensive.

We now have a feature page about the park that tells you a lot more and also has a video for you to watch.

Click here to check out the new feature page.

Wood Gallery and Museum

On the same day we also called in to see the Featured Wood Gallery and Musuem in Australind.

A lot of people (including us) did not know this place even existed and we are grateful to Brian at SWTS for letting us know where it is.

The wood gallery has some amazing sculptures for sale and the museum is very interesting.

Featured Wood Gallery and Museum Page.


We hope you enjoyed this newsletter and found some of the contents interesting. If you no longer want to receive newsletters from us you simply click the 'unsubscribe' link in the original email you received.

Hopefully you will stick with us as we continue to explore Western Australia together via our main website or on our Facebook pages and YouTube Channel.