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Sport of almost any kind is a national obsession. Australian Rules football and cricket reign supreme above all others in W.A. Criticise the West Coast Eagles, The Dockers or the Western Warriors over here and you could find yourself swinging from the nearest tree.

If you enjoy a movie, a documentary or something remotely cerebral, don't look for it on the television on weekends. We are bombarded with a never ending stream of football, cricket, tennis, golf, horse racing, trotting, basketball, soccer, indoor cricket, bowls etc. Of course if you like sport you are in for a huge overdose.

The mad obsession with sport today may stem from the pioneering days when sport of one sort or another was a major social event in most country towns. It was a rare chance to meet neighbours and to enjoy yourself after long periods of hard work and isolation. Sadly today there are far more people just watching sport than actively participating in it.

Participating in sport was at one time so important in many country towns, that sporting facilities were developed that were out of all proportion to the size of the town itself.




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