Study in Western Australia





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Western Australia is a very popular place for overseas students to come and study. There are a range of different educational programs including secondary, technical and tertiary levels.

At the tertiary level our universities offer degree courses that are in continuous demand.

The University of Western Australia (UWA), Curtin University, Murdoch University, Edith Cowan University and the University of Notre Dame are the most popular destinations for overseas students. All offer degree and post-graduate courses covering a wide range of careers.

Tertiary and Further Education, better known as TAFE offers certificate and diploma courses that can be used to assist with entry to degree courses at the universities.

The Western Australian Government Department of Training offers useful information for students wanting to study here. Information on such things as where to study, accommodation, recognition of prior learning and pathways to university are all covered on this site.

There are over 1050 registered training organisations in Western Australia so it can be difficult for intending students to work out where they want to study.

Private training providers offer alternatives to the more conventional TAFE courses as a way to gain nationally recognised qualifications or as a way to enter university and undertake further study.

You can visit the government training website to get a full list of Training Packages, Qualifications, Courses, Units of Competency and Registered Training Organisations.

To get the appropriate information on visas for entry into Australia you will also need to see the information provided by the Department of Immigration.




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