Leseur National Park


GPS 30 03 32 S 115 00 11 E




Entry fee and / or camping fee charged Pets prohibited Sight seeing area Walk trails




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The park covers 27,987 hectares and was gazetted as a National Park in 1992 after a public outcry about the proposed development of coal mining in the area.

The park was named after Charles Alexandre Leseur, an artist who travelled aboard the French ship Naturaliste under Capt. Hamelin in 1801. (Another sources states that he was First Officer aboard the Geographe.) Leseur eventually migrated to America where he became a famous artist.

Europeans first travelled through this area in 1839 but even when other land in the area was being opened up for pastoral use in 1851, the Leseur area was left alone because of its rugged nature and high numbers of poison plants.

Government botanist, Charles Gardiner recommended that the area be protected in 1950 and it was declared an educational reserve. It was not until 1992 that the National Park was declared.

Mount Lesueur and Mount Michaud are located within the park and are the most prominant features.

The low shrubby nature of the vegetation does not do much to impress the casual visitor but over 900 different species of plants have so far been identified in the park including the spectacular Queen of Sheba orchid. The park is most popular in late autumn and early spring when the wildflowers put on their best display. The flora here is thought to be more diverse than any other area of the state with up to 100 different species inhabiting as little as 100 square metres.

This diversity led to the area being declared one of 15 national biodiersity hotspots in Australia.

The fauna of the park includes 52 species of reptiles, 15 species of mammals, 29 species of jewel beetle (a protected insect) and 124 species of birds.

The park lies just inland from the coastal town of Green Head roughly 250 kilometres north of Perth. Access is from Brand Highway and Cockleshell Road. There is an 18 km one way loop, scenic drive that allows visitors to better experience the flora of the area.

There are now toilets in the park but no other facilities. Take in your own water etc. Camping in the park is not allowed. There are walk trails ranging from 400 metres to 4 kilometres.


Park Information Booklet

NPW Website for more information



Best time to visit:
















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