Quobba - Western Australia


GPS 24 28 59 S 113 24 37 E




Entry fee and / or camping fee charged Toilets available Tables and / or seats and / or shelters provided Sight seeing area Walk trails Ranger or caretaker on site




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Point Quobba campsite and the Blowholes are located 75km north of Carnarvon via a sealed road. The point marks the northern most tip of Shark Bay.

The blowholes are located near the lighthouse just north of the campsite. When the ocean swells are just right, the jets of water from the blowholes can reach 30 metres or more into the air.

The rocky coast is popular with fishermen but great care must be taken and some people have died after being swept off the rocks by rouge waves.

There is a marine sanctuary zone tucked in behind the island just south of Point Quobba. No fishing is allowed here and it is a great spot for snorkeling as there is an abundance of fish and some coral.

There have traditionally been a large number of squatter's shacks at Point Quobba but in 2016, the shire issued demolition orders and since then the shack owners have been fighting to preserve their shacks.

In our opinion, the shacks should be left at the site and the owners allowed to upgrade them. They are part of the history of the coast and their removal will diminish the overall value of the site.

The campsite has few facilities and the toilets on site are supposed to be for day use visitors only. There is a black water dump point available for campers.

Fees are charged for camping and during peak season, a maximum stay of 30 days is permitted. Outside peak season, stays of up to 90 days are allowed.

Boat launching is possible by 4x4 vehicles over the beach but vehicles are prohibited on the beach for any other purpose than launching.

The area behind the island is generally safe for swimming but further south in deeper water, large sharks frequently come close to shore.

Whales are frequently seen moving along this coastline during migration season.

The lighthouse at Point Quobba was constructed in 1950. The Stairs and light came from an older lighthouse at Pt. Cloates. The original light came from Cape Wickham in Tasmania. This has now been moved to the West Australian Museum.

The lighthouse is 12.5 metres high and stands 64 metres above sea level. The signature of the lighthouse is 4 white flashes every 20 seconds.

The top of the lighthouse was recently removed temporarily in 2019 so that some maintenance could be done on the structure.


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Quobba is one of the best campsites along the coast and despite the lack of fresh water or electricity, many people spend several weeks here each winter. The shacks along the coast are similar to those that used to be at Jurien and give the area a frontier feel.

There are other campsites further north along the coast at Quobba Station, Red Bluff, Gnarloo and Waroora (Warra) Station.

Accommodation : Red Bluff 08 9948 5001, Quobba Station 08 9948 5098

Quobba Campsite Review



Best time to visit:















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