Places to see in Western Australia






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The Wheatbelt can sometimes be ignored by travellers who tend to prefer coastal locations but there is a lot to see and do and there are some very good camp grounds and caravan parks.

In a world that is constantly changing, the small country towns are an echo of the past where shops close at mid-day on Saturday and don't re-open until Monday. Country pubs ooze charm and life goes at a slower pace.


1. Avondale - Beverley


Originally this was an agricultural research farm but in 2008 it was taken over by the National Trust and public access is now more restricted.

The farm houses the largest collection of agricultural machinery in the Southern hemisphere.

To find out more about opening times visit the Avondale Discovery Farm website.


Cunderdin Pumphouse Museum
2. Cunderdin Pumphouse Museum


The Pumphouse Museum in Cunderdin (on the Great Eastern Highway) is housed in one of the old pumping stations that was built to pump water from the Darling Scarp to Kalgoorle and the goldfields.

The museum has a large collection of old vehicles and farming equipment and is also home to the 'earthquake house'.

To find out more about the museum visit the Museum web page.


Kulin Water Park
3. Kulin Water Park


The water park at Kulin incorporates a water slide that is 182 metres long and 18 metres high. It is the largest slide in regional Australia.

The town also offers free short term stop overs for people with motorhomes and caravans and even the caravan park is currently operating on a 'pay what you think it is worth' basis.

For more information visit the Kulin Shire website.


Nungarin Military Museum
4. Nungarin Military Museum


Nungarin is a small town in the eastern wheatbelt but it houses one of the most interesting collections on military equipment in the state.

During WWII the town was a major Army depot as it was thought to be out of range of any attacking Japanese aircraft. The museum is housed in the original Army Vehicle Workshop that at the time was the largest storage facility for Army Ordnance in Western Australia.

Find out more about the museum at The Museum webpage.


Wagin Historic Village
5. Wagin Historic Village


Wagin is at the centre of a large wheat and sheep growing area and the Woolorama is a well known annual event.

An attraction in town that is a little less well known is the historic village. It is run by volunteers and the local Historical Society and is really worth visiting if you are in the area.

Check out the Historic Village website for more information.


Wave Rock
6. Wave Rock


One of the most famous attractions in the Wheatbelt is Wave rock located near the small town of Hyden.

The wave section of this large rock is the most well known formation but the rest of the rock is massive and there is even a dam built into one side of it.

There are a number of other rock formations in the area including Mulka's Cave and Hippos Yawn.

There is an excellent caravan park next to the rock and some other very interesting attractions just across the road including a small wildlife park, military miniatures collection, The Lace Place and more.

While is it quite a long way from Perth, it is worth the journey as there is plenty to keep ytou entertained.




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