Places to see in Western Australia






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The North of Western Australia is a rugged area stretching from Exmouth in the west to Kununurra in the east.

Iron ore, salt, diamonds and huge cattle stations are the dominant industries but although it is a wild and untamed land, it is also very beautiful.

Many people prefer the Kimberley region but for me the Pilbara has always been my favourite.


Bungle Bungle
1. Bungle Bungle


The Bungle Bungle is without a doubt the most famous of all attractions in the north of Western Australia.

The unusual bee-hive domes and remote location attract people from all over the world.

Whether it is seen from the air or from ground-level, it is one of the most striking sites you will ever see and it is certainly worth the effort to visit.


Cape Lambert
2. Cape Lambert


Robe River Iron conduct tours of the massive loading facility at Cape Lambert near Wickham.

The tour includes a look at the old historic port of Cossack and can be booked from the Roebourne visitor centre.

Of all the mining tours we have been on, this is by far the most interesting.


Coral Bay
3. Coral Bay


Coral Bay is a tiny speck of a town on the west side of North West Cape.

It is little more than a couple of caravan parks, a hotel and a store but it attracts people from all over the world.

The reason is the Ningaloo reef that is very close to shore here. Snorkelling and tours on the glass bottom boat are essential ways to experience this incredible environment.

Fishing in the bay is banned and as a result the fish life is extraordinary.


4. Cossack


Cossack was once one of the most important ports in the north west but over time it was abandoned.

Eventually the old stone buildings were restored and now it is a fascinating insight into life during the early years of first settlement by Europeans in the north.

There is a cafe, backpackers and a museum. Nearby is a historic cemetery and Settler's Beach is interesting at low tide when huge sand flats are exposed.


Marble Bar
5. Marble Bar


Famous as the hottest town in Australia, Marble Bar lies to the south east of Port Hedland.

The town is named after a jasper rock formation in the nearby river that was originally mistaken for marble.

Historic buildings in the town and the old Comet gold mine plus amazingly rugged countryside, make this town one of the 'must see' places in the north west.


Ord River
6. Ord River


The Ord River flows from Lake Argyle past the regional centre of Kununurra and is used to irrigate the extensive crop lands that surround the town.

JJJ Tours operate bout cruises from Kununurra to the Argyle Dam and this is possibly the best way to see the river.

There are many different attractions around the area including the Zebra Rock Gallery, The Grotto, Lake Kununurra, Ivanhoe Crossing and Hidden Valley.


Turquoise Bay
7. Turquoise Bay


Located on the western side of Cape Range, Turquoise Bay is possibly the most stunning of all the beautiful beaches that stretch along the coast of the national park.

Here you can snorkel out to Ningaloo reef to see the corals and the many fish species.

The national park has a number of campsites and nearby is excellent accommodation at Yardie Homestead for those who want to stay near the national park.


8. Wittenoom


Once a thriving mining town, Wittenoom is now almost a Ghost Town.

The town is famous for all the wrong reasons due to an asbestos mine that operated there up to 1966.

Today many of the old buildings have gone and (as of 2016) there are only 3 residents left in town. It is still a beatuiful and haunting place to visit and despite the government's attempts to get rid of the town, many people still visit each year.


Wolfe Creek Crater
9. Wolfe Creek Crater


Wolfe Creek Crater sits out on the edge of the Great Sandy Desert 152 kilometres south of Halls Creek.

The crater is almost 1 kilometre across and is the second largest confirmed meteor crater on Earth.

There is nothing there besides the crater and it is a long drive over unsealed roads but many people who enjoy wilderness and adventure make the trip out to see this unusual place.




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